

2 条评论:

  1. The Ten Principles Eight Precepts of Moral Uplifting Society
    The Ten Principles
    1)Filial Piety The first principle is filial piety.
    The bounties bestowed by our parents are as great as the mountains. We should therefore take care of them when they are old. The most important thing of all is to make them happy and not feeling lonely.
    2)Brotherly Love The second principle is brotherly love.
    Brothers and sisters should live in harmony. They should always consult and encourage each other. We must also treat our friends and relatives like our own brothers and sisters.
    3)Loyalty The third principle is loyalty.
    We should love our people and our country. We must be conscientious in performing our duties. Let us build a strong and prosperous nation.
    4)Sincerity The fourth principle is sincerity.
    Deal with others with a sincere heart. What has been promised must always be kept. A promise is worth a thousand piece of gold.
    5)Courtesy The fifth principle is courtesy.
    Protecting the young and respecting the aged is an expression of courtesy. Be humble and respectful. Courtesy will please everyone.
    6)Justice The sixth principle is justice.
    Fairness and unselfishness are important. Help those in need and be generous in charity. Do not be arrogant, do not flatter those in authority but follow the truth.
    7)Honesty The seventh principle is honesty.
    Everyone should keep his heart pure, untarnished by material desire. Be pure, live a simple and pure life. Be satisfied with what we have and be as happy as the Immortals.
    8)Sense of Shame The eighth principle is the sense of shame.
    Don' t be tempted by wealth and sexual desire. Understand what is right and what is wrong. A gentleman will never feel ashamed to correct his mistakes.
    9)Humanity The ninth principle is humanity. Respect the aged and be generous to the poor. Be careful with the gifts of nature and always follow the path of humanity. Benevolence and universal love will always benefit the people.
    10)Wisdom The tenth principle is wisdom.
    Be interested in current affairs and try to enrich your knowledge. Differentiate between what is good and what is evil. Preach our doctrine to awaken the people so that there will be peace & harmony in this world.

    八 則 The Eight Precepts
    1)不 欺: 惡 臭 以 慎 獨 Don't Cheat
    2)不 偽: 虔 忠 以 誠 意 Don't be False
    3)不 貪: 戒 爭 以 崇 義 Don't be Greedy
    4)不 妄: 正 心 以 格 欲 Don't be Preposterous
    5)不 驕: 虛 懷 以 納 善 Don't be Arrogant
    6)不 怠: 奮 力 以 為 功 Don't be Lazy
    7)不 怨: 恕 人 以 消 恨 Don't Grumble
    8)不 惡: 去 憎 以 通 情 Don't Hate Others


  2. http://www.facebook.com/DeJiaoHui
