Coming to the fore and being present

Helping out with the task at hand

Each and every opportune moment that


Yielding the much anticipated results that

all await

Taking hold of the moment as soon as it


Holding strongly and firmly to be able to

make it

Indeed one will have to put in the required

efforts so that it will not be lost

Achieving that much more than the normal

Nothing with concentration and awareness

as it occurs

Taking the time needed to achieve the most

Able to see and observe closely the reality that

it is

In coming together and in falling apart also

Seeking the knowledge to be able to understand

Efforts put in will bring forth the results sought

Nurturing and establishing firmly the mind and

heart with each new achievement

Going on and on until finally all is calm and

tranquil within the self.

Chey Thian Tai Seng

Date : 12/6/2010

Climbing to the top to be able to have a better view

Having the intention to improve upon the present achievement

Eyeing the next stage and aiming to achieve it

Yielding not to any obstruction that may be around

Seeing the way forth as it leads on towards the next level

In coming and in going

As the case may be

Never to be stagnant or to be fixed at one point

Surely the way will lead on beyond the present point

Until that much more have been done

Chey Sian Su

Date: 12/6/2010

Look up into the wide sky and see open space

Unblemished and clear as purity itself

Such must be the clarity that all should try to achieve in one’s


Intricate and confusing thinking shall not produce such a mind

Awareness and always accepting will be attitudes to promote

a calm mind

Neither taking too much nor leaving out too little, one can truly

progress if one can control this mind

Succumb not then to the disturbance of feelings that rattle a

calm mind

Until the calmness perpetuates, always keep a stern eye on

one’s mind

His Holiness Lu Sian Su

Date : 12/6/2010

Coming together to be one for each other

Having committed oneself to the cause

Everyday must the self be to keep on improving so as to be

able to serve others better

Yet the mind lazes once and then, leading the heart to wander


Single must the mind remain to ensure that the purpose of

service is never neglected

Into this mode of thinking all should enter

Aiming only to be certain of one’s need to remain true to the


Needless then would all worries be as the heart shall remain

staunch in faith

Seeking nothing for self benefit, seeking only to benefit others

Unite and remain strong together to forge a firm bond of

fellowship in the service of Mankind !

Chey Sian Su





24.03.2011 谨启

  1. 阁长致词
  2. 推举大会主席
  3. 覆准前期议案(2010年5月23日大会)
  4. 检讨前期议案(2010年5月23日大会)
  5. 接纳及通过2010年度理事会阁务报告
  6. 接纳及通过2010年度财政报告
  7. 讨论阁员书面提案
8. 讨论理事会提案:
Notice is hereby given that the annualGeneralmeeting of Teck Teck Seah Chee Seng Koh will be held at the Koh premises, No. 51-53, Jalan Berek, 34000 Taiping on Sunday,24th Apr 2011 at 2.30pm
Please be punctual. Thank you.
President : LEE CHOO AUN
Hon.Secretary: CHUAH TEONG ENG
  1. opening address by President
  2. To elect Chairman for the A.G.M
  3. To confirm the minutes of the 32nd A.G.M. held on 23052010
  4. To review the above minutes.
  5. To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the Committee of Management for the year ending 31122010
  6. To receive and adopt the Statement of Account for year ending 31122010
  7. To cosider any proposal from memberss, which shall have been submitted in writing to the secretariat seven (7) days before the A.G.M on 24042011
  8. To discuss and pass the following proposal from the Committee Of Management:
  • 1) Extension of one (1) year to repay to Chee Seng Koh the advance of RM50,000 for building fund granted to Chee Sim Koh, Lenggong.
  • 2) Donation of RM10,000 to Taiping Moral Up-Lifting Societies Dialysis Foundation, in response to its recent appeal for donation towards the purchase of a new building.



有兴趣者,可前来本阁办事处报名(课程免费),51-53, Barrack Road, 34000 Taiping. Perak. 或电询问,电话:05-8077516 / 8072944


1 道济天尊 农历腊月初八日 01.01.12 (日)
2 柳春芳仙师 农历二月初七日 11.03.11 (五)
3 道祖太上老君 农历二月十五日 19.03.11 (六)
4 吕纯阳仙师 农历四月十四日 16.05.11 (一)
5 阁庆 农历五月初五日 06.06.11 (一)
6 关平主栽 农历五月十三日 14.06.11 (二)
7 如来佛祖 农历五月十九日 20.06.11 (一)
8 观音大士 农历六月十九日 19.07.11 (二)
9 关帝圣君 农历六月廿四日 24.07.11 (日)
10 白云道长 农历七月十五日 14.08.11 (日)
11 何野云师、黄大仙师尊 农历八月十五日 12.09.11 (一)
12 儒祖至圣先师 农历八月廿七日 24.09.11 (六)
13 柯奕贞仙师 农历九月初三日 29.09.11 (四)